JoJo’s World: Fake Proposal

JoJo Crichton doing a fake proposal at Disney's Hollywood Studios

JoJo is with Cam at Disney’s Hollywood Studios, explaining to viewers that today is a big day. He’s going to propose to someone.

JoJo says he’s nervous and excited, and hopes “she” says yes. He explains that they’ve been dating for about 5 minutes, she’s the one, and it’s the real deal. He shows he has a sour cherry Ring Pop to use as an engagement ring.

After this introduction, he adds that it’s a fake proposal.

He talks to Cam and Austin about it and says he keeps delaying it. Cam asks JoJo if he knows when she’ll arrive, but Austin asks if JoJo even knows what she looks like. JoJo responds that he expects her in the next twenty minutes, and no, he doesn’t know what she looks like. He also admits that he doesn’t know her name.

To bide time, JoJo rides Toy Story Mania with Austin and Kyle Pallo (who showed up from nowhere). He hopes the ride will give him confidence.

After the ride, JoJo decides to do a practice fake proposal. He came prepared with two Ring Pops, so a practice run is doable. He finds a friend to do it with and they go to Baseline Tap House for a pre-proposal drink.


“Between all of us, we’re not actually getting married today. I mean, you probably saw the title by now, but we’re gonna trick people.”

~ JoJo

JoJo decides it’s time and they go to the fountain at Grand Avenue. JoJo gets on his knee and proceeds with the charade. He then shouts loudly, “She said ‘yes’”, to rook as many people as possible into the deception.

A cast member notices and gives the pair Fastpasses in honor of the proposal. It’s at this point that an honest person would have refused the Fastpasses, at least, if not admitting the lie. Not only does JoJo take the Fastpasses, but he compounds the lie by telling the cast member that this location is where he and his “fiancee” had their first date. It’s startling to see how, despite all the expressed nervousness, JoJo can so easily and willingly deceive people and how far he’ll go with it.

After the stunt, he laughs about it all, boasting that people clapped and congratulated him, and showing that he doesn’t care at all about deceiving people. He also fakes a small anount of regret, saying that “now we might actually have to just be engaged because I don’t want to lie to Disney.” He also does a half-hearted apology to anyone present who might be watching the vlog. JoJo says, “We didn’t mean to trick anyone to that extent,” which seems doubtful.

The whole affair is suggested to be an April Fool’s prank, but with a prank, you tell the person afterward that it was a prank. If you don’t, then it’s just a regular lie.

They walk to Hollywood Boulevard area, and JoJo realizes it’s a bad look to have taken the Fastpasses. To whitewash it, JoJo tells viewers, “To be honest, we felt bad that we got them, but you know, we’re gonna turn this into a positive and actually give them away.” He claims he’ll show the giveaway in the next vlog.

Over on Sunset Boulevard, JoJo meets up with the actual intended partner in the fake proposal, Amanda Wrate. After he acts out the fraud with her, he tells viewers that proposing it too stressful, so he’s never getting married. Amanda throws away the Ring Pop.


by Angela Tortelli