JoJo’s World: Disney Trivia Game

JoJo continues his game night livestream, with this segment featuring Disney trivia. He mentions the disconnect that occurred, splitting the YouTube livestream into two parts, and stressed that the whole thing is a trial run, so there’s likely to be issues. He ponders aloud whether he should schedule a livestream and make sure it works first. (You think?)

JoJo starts his Disney trivia with the question of what year did Disneyland open (1955) and viewers respond by putting their answers in chat. He says there’s no prize other than bragging rights. The second question is what is the name of Wendy’s dog in Peter Pan. JoJo tells viewers not to cheat by using Google search. He asks a few more questions using this method.

A viewer tells JoJo he should do more Disney ride challenge videos. In keeping with the direction of putting in even less effort into making the vlogs, JoJo replies, “I would love to do more. It’s just a matter of, it’s just a matter of doing it, you know. Just a matter of a, it’s just a matter of getting around to it. It’s actually really hard doing all the rides, you know.”

For a while, JoJo plays with his toy “sword in the stone”, but thinks he has broken it. He says that he thinks someone made it for him, but apparently he doesn’t remember who it was or what the circumstance was. This is expected, since JoJo doesn’t care about the people who give him stuff. He keeps what he likes and the rest is never seen again.

Back to trivia, someone asks JoJo to use Kahoot to play Disney trivia. JoJo goes to Kahoot, but has trouble figuring it out, especially with setting up an account and paying for a plan. He starts the game, but viewers find out that there’s a limit to the number of people who can play. JoJo continues on with the few who could get in. He’s liking Kahoot a lot and considers paying to allow more people to play, but it will take a while to complete, and he doesn’t want to take time away from the game by doing the setup.

At one point, JoJo does leave to go to the bathroom. Supposedly, his peeing can be heard. When he returns, he says, “I should’ve closed the door guys. I’m sorry, okay? Peeing is a normal thing. Can we all just calm down? Did you hear me wash my hands too, because I did!”

Toward the end of the game, there was the question, “How old was Ariel the little mermaid?” JoJo says he knows the answer, and also says, “That’s why her story’s kind of crazy. Like what father would let someone at the age of 16 run off and marry someone, but I guess that’s Disney Magic for you.”

The last question is about Aladdin: what did he steal from the marketplace? JoJo loves that the last question is about Aladdin. He says it was an apple and explains that when Aladdin, even though he is a street rat, gives the apple to a kid, it shows that he has compassion. It’s done to establish Aladdin’s character.

At the end of the game, JoJo announces the top three players. The end.


by Angela Tortelli



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