JoJo’s World: Disney Dream 2024

JoJo and Jete arrive at Disney’s cruise terminal at Fort Lauderdale, to board the Disney Dream. As they walk through the terminal, JoJo notes that Disney music is playing. “I love how they just blast the music,” he says as he croons along to the familiar Disney tunes.

They board the ship and are announced as the “Jeter family”. As they look around, JoJo says he doesn’t remember much from his previous time on the Dream, so he’s excited to rediscover the ship. Also, he notes that this cruise is special because it has a Marvel day at sea.

JoJo and Jete take the stairs for exercise to go to their stateroom, number 8592. Their room host, Anantha, greets them, saying “If you have any challenge, any questions, whatever you need during your cruise, please let me know.” Inside the room, JoJo notes right away that the bed is setup as a single double, which we know from previous cruises he can’t handle. He suggests if the bed can’t be split, they’ll use the sofa so they can sleep apart. JoJo also points out a bucket of beers, given to them by Zach the travel planner, who arranged this cruise for them. Jete tells JoJo that Zach must know him well, referring to JoJo’s drinking.

After they change their clothes, JoJo says, “I am starving. I’m about to get hangry.” They set off in pursuit of food. Unfortunately, as they check out different options, they find the places closing right before they get there.  

They become resigned to the fact that they’ll have to wait. “We’re hangry and we have to go to a security drill now,” JoJo states.  JoJo and Jete make their way to their designated assembly station, a theater. JoJo observes, “It’s kind of crazy I’ve never been in here before but the seats are very comfy.” However, he quickly changes his tune, saying, “That was so painful. Let me out of here. I want to eat. It’s time to party.” Jete agrees, saying, “I need food!”

However, instead of eating, JoJo and Jete make their way to the pool deck for the Sail Away party. JoJo says, “This is so funny. I definitely have never seen this show, even though I’ve been on the Dream before.” After watching the show and celebrating with it, JoJo says, “I gave all of my energy to that show. I need to eat or I’m going to die!”

JoJo and Jete finally get food from Flo’s Cafe. JoJo gets the chicken fingers and he and Jete find an 18+ place to sit at. They had noted when they first got on about how many kids there are, and now about the “ton of kids”, JoJo says, “I’m not complaining. It’s just like, it could definitely get a lot when you hear kids crying and screaming, especially when you’re hangry.” 

After eating, they go to the Outlook Lounge, to take part in a paid margarita and tequila tasting event. The host asks the guests what tequila means to them and suggests that it’s a little bit dangerous. Jete smiles. He remembers he was drinking tequila when he recently lost his phone and his wallet.  

Later, the change clothes for dinner. JoJo does a fit check on Jete, who lists off where he got the pieces of his outfit. About himself, JoJo says, “my outfits are going to be kind of slacking on this cruise.” He explains that he doesn’t have Krista, his girlfriend, dressing him this time.

At dinner, at the Animator’s Palate restaurant, JoJo gets sliced ham, butternut squash soup, and tuna steak. He has trouble saying “butternut squash”, because he’s clearly buzzed. Jete gets smoked salmon tartar, which he thought would be cooked.   

JoJo enjoys a Cookies ‘n Cream Sundae for dessert and Jete gets the Lemon Icebox Pie. JoJo asks Jete if he is having a good night on the Disney Dream. Jete replies, “What do you think, man? This is where the magic is at, in Disney, where it’s always been.”

JoJo remarks, “Now we get to enjoy some adult entertainment for the rest of the evening.” They go to the adult-only The District area and the nightclub Evolution. JoJo says they are there for the “Match Your Mate” event, but he’s also excited to see there a silent disco afterward. First they play “Majority Rules” and then “Match Your Mate”. JoJo explains that “basically, they ask like embarrassing questions and we see if the couples know how to respond to their partner.”

Afterward, they skip the silent disco because they’re tired. Instead, they go the District Lounge, where they listen to a violinist play Unchained Melody. JoJo says, “It’s putting me to sleep.” They head back to their room, but first JoJo talks about the Marvel Day at Sea that will be tomorrow. “Hopefully, Spider-Man will be walking around,” he says.

Missing the late-night activities, JoJo says he feels bad about it. “There’s going to be a group of cool people going to the club and they’re not going to see us. Usually I am the party activator,” he claims. It’s not known how the rest of the guests managed without him.  


by Angela Tortelli



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