JoJo’s World: Disney Content Creator Awards

JoJo and Jete announce they are going to be presenting their own “Disney Content Creator Awards” for 2023. Right off, JoJo states how this will be different from other people’s awards related to vlogging. He says these will have no negativity (so no “worst” awards). 

JoJo is very familiar with “worst” type awards, having received the Most Annoying/Obnoxious Vlogger award from the Main Street Moments channel in 2022. The Main Street Moments award commentary properly noted how incredibly different JoJo is now compared to when he first started vlogging. The presenters discussed how likable JoJo was at the beginning before fame went to his head. 

In this vlog, JoJo references that award and falsely claims it was cyberbullying. To gain sympathy, JoJo claims he is  someone who has struggled with self-confidence and suggests it doesn’t make sense to him to be told by Main Street Moments that he’s full of himself. (FYI, even if the former were true, it doesn’t negate the latter.)

JoJo mentions that Jete chooses not to go to Disney too often and from that states that Jete will have an unbiased opinion. JoJo doesn’t mention that it’s not a choice, since Jete is still banned from Disney World property. 

The first award is for Most Consistent Content Creator and it goes to Kyle Pallo. To support the decision, JoJo specifically notes Kyle’s commitment to daily vlogging. Though it’s expected that JoJo would give something to his former roommate and bromance partner, Kyle is definitely consistent. There’s ongoing debate about whether it’s consistently good or consistently bad.

With the second award, Jojo acknowledges that to be an honest vlogger, you have to be critical sometimes. Jete refers to authenticity, which JoJo lacks, but JoJo bats him down by saying Jete isn’t genuine in his food reviews. (Jete has been giving everything he eats a “10 out of  10”.) Jete objects, saying all his reviews are 100% real and Disney just makes great food. 

For Most Honest Disney Content Creator, Jojo gives it to another of his friends/acquaintances, Prince Charming Dev. He tells Jete that he hopes people don’t think the awards are biased.

As an introduction to their Best Food Vlogger, JoJo says he wishes he could describe food better than he does. He also states that he wishes he could chew with his mouth closed. He says he does chew with his mouth closed off camera, but Jete corrects the lie by mouthing, “No, he doesn’t.”

The award goes to Kristen Wright, another friend/acquaintance, of Wright Down Main Street channel. That’s followed by another friend, Alice Clark Payne, getting Best Disney Bounder.

The remaining awards are these:

  • Best Up and Coming: The Caitlyn Rose
  • Best Disney Instagrammer (Female): Emily Nelson
  • Best Mini Vlogger: Magically AyJay
  • Most Lowkey Disney Content Creator: Straw Hat Goofy
  • Top Performer Content Creator: Paging Mr. Morrow
  • Most Adaptable: Tim Tracker and Adam the Woo
  • Top Disney Content Creator World Traveler: Ordinary Adventures
  • Best Disney News Content Creator: Mickey Views
  • Top Disney Content Creator Dancers: Twin Sauce
  • Best Disney Content Creator Group: Mammoth Club
  • Biggest Pop of 2023: Super Enthused
  • The Lookout Content Creators for Universal: The Pugh Two
  • Most Creative Disney Content Creator:  JeremyTheTea

For each award JoJo provides commentary, like how he talked to Adam the Woo on Splash Mountain’s last day, and how he danced in the Disney parks like Twin Sauce. JoJo calls his own dance videos “very cringe and very awkward”. JoJo also explains the meaning of “pop”, being when a vlog greatly surpasses expectations. He says Jackie of Super Enthused wins the award for her vlog of Super Nintendo World with over 500k views.

The last award JoJo titles the Worst Controversy of 2023. At first he says the award goes to no one, but then recounts the very real controversy of him recording on Villain-Con Minion Blast during Technical Rehearsal. In talking about it, JoJo should earn an award for being the vlogger least able to learn a lesson. 

He confesses, “I know it was against the rules,” but still calls the controversy “silly”. He once again falsely equates all criticism to being cyberbullied and acts like there’s no way to know what the rules are. It needs to be pointed out that he actually recorded in his vlog the sign in the ride that stated video recording was prohibited. 

Jete offers advice as someone who has been part of a content controversy. He says, “Say you’re sorry. You move on.” JoJo high-fives him and agrees. However, that’s not what JoJo does. He didn’t move on, as evidenced by the fact that he brought it up again, showing again how much he can’t handle legitimate criticism. He falls back on referencing being human, using that to whitewash mistakes without taking responsibility for them.

After having given out their own awards, JoJo and Jete state that they would like to give a People’s Choice like awards based on their viewers’ votes.


by Angela Tortelli



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