JoJo’s World: Disney Channel Theme Event

JoJo starts off his vlog by expressing both excitement and nervousness about an event that evening his friend Ryan is hosting. It’s a Disney Channel theme event at Atlantic Dance Hall on Disney’s Boardwalk. It’s called “Disnite” and it’s in collaboration with Walt Disney World.

As JoJo arrives at the Boardwalk, he sees attendees dressed up as Kim Possible characters. The people he sees dressed up are getting there early despite the event not starting for a couple more hours. “It’s six o’clock; this event begins at eight, so needless to say, like this might actually get a little popping,” JoJo remarks.

When JoJo talks about hosting the event, he uses the word “we”, but it’s not clear if he actually had anything to do with it other than promote it on social media. He uses “we” sometimes when he’s not actually part of the “we”.

JoJo goes to the room Ryan has booked at the Boardwalk Inn. There JoJo mentions that Atlantic Dance Hall is an underutilized venue that Ryan and their other friends had dreamed of revitalizing with fun themed events like this one. JoJo hopes the event will go smoothly and become the first of many more to come. He says, “This is something no one has ever done before.”

Atlantic Dance Hall Forever:

“What a great night. This is actually so cool. I’m surprised that people haven’t used this venue more often. Like why isn’t this happening every weekend? This is so sick.”

~ JoJo

On the way to the party, JoJo is joined by Krista. They run into various color-coordinated friend groups and enthusiastic attendees along the way. Once inside Atlantic Dance Hall, even though it’s not full yet, a friend says, “Yo, this is the busiest I’ve seen this place ever!”

JoJo is amazed to see the venue later fill up to capacity with excited guests and people in Disney costumes. JoJo tells a friend, “This is actually happening!” The friend replies, “It’s insane! I was like, oh eight o’clock, nobody’s gonna be here everybody is here right now!”

The lines for drinks are long, because the venue didn’t know what the turnout was going to be.

Throughout the night, JoJo captures the energy and the crowded dance floor while repeatedly expressing disbelief at the great turnout. He also enjoys seeing fireworks outside on the Boardwalk and calls the event a success. JoJo congratulates Ryan, and Ryan says, “This is not, not a one and done. We’re going to keep this going.”

In addition to Ryan and Krista, Farris, Nick, sWooZie, Jed, Jake, Emily Nelson, and Alice also made an appearance at the event.

The next day, JoJo is back at his apartment, vlogging, but not helping, his new roommate Zane move in. Roommate Dan has moved out, giving space for Zane. Jete is also there, but can’t move in yet, because JoJo’s other roommate, Kyle, has not yet moved out.

Zane jokes about a 2024 “Disnite” hosted by JoJo and Jete. Jete says, “hopefully,” wishfully imagining his banishment for life from Disney World property would be lifted. JoJo announces the next event from Ryan will be at the end of the month and will be Halloween themed.

[2/5]  If you know what the inside of a busy club looks like, then you already know what most of this vlog looks like. During the event, besides the dancing and lip-synching, it’s mostly people saying how amazed they are by the turnout. There are cameos by familiar faces and an update about the living situation at JoJo’s apartment that might be of interest. It would have been more interesting to see some of the BTS of how Ryan put the event together.

by Angela Tortelli


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