JoJo’s World: Dapper Spring Outfit

JoJo Crichton and Prince Charming Dev at Dapper Day in Epcot

JoJo is at Epcot to be a part of Dapper Day. The day before was Dapper Day at Magic Kingdom, and seeing guests dressed up while he was working there inspired him to want to dress up too. He’s wearing a purple shirt and a green vest, and in the video description, JoJo posted that the character Maleficent was the inspiration for his outfit.

JoJo mentions that later he’ll be dancing, and since he’s wearing the outfit he wore in his last dance video, this day must be when he recorded it. He meets up with Annika, who appeared with him in the video.

They walk through the Mexico pavilion and there JoJo sees Prince Charming Dev. Dev is wearing a large sombrero, so it’s fitting that he was in Mexico. Dev says, “I feel like it’s Dapper Day slash Cinco de Mayo.” They each tell viewers to support each other’s YouTube channel. JoJo says, “I love this man.”

While walking around World Showcase, JoJo talks to Mulan in China and his roommate Joey, who’s working in Germany.

In France, JoJo yells at Aurora to tell her that he’s dressed as Maleficent. She looks toward him because he yelled out her name, but she doesn’t react to his statement. Other than that, the rest of the video is JoJo talking to park guests and commenting on their outfits.

Annika and JoJo Crichton at Epcot Dapper Day
Annika and JoJo and others at Epcot Dapper Day

[4/5]  JoJo cleans up well, as they say. This vlog captures a lot of the different looks people dressed up with for Dapper Day, for those who want to see what it is like. The appearance and interaction with Prince Charming Dev alone makes the vlog worth watching.

by Angela Tortelli



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