JoJo’s World: Custodial Role

In Epcot, JoJo reflects on his first month working custodial on his Disney College Program. Besides describing the DCP as an “amazing experience” and one in which a person can make a lot of new friends, JoJo talks specifically about what the custodial role is like. For anyone considering that job in the future, he advises they not dwell on picking up trash. Instead, they should think about the opportunities to connect with guests, see areas of the park they normally wouldn’t see, and to “make a difference in people’s lives”.

JoJo calls the custodial role “one of the hidden gems of Magic Kingdom”. One of the benefits of the role, according to JoJo, is probably one of the greatest amount of guest interaction one can have on the college program. He says the coordinators, leaders and bosses are “very understanding, very cool”, and his co-workers are always willing to help him. They become a little family.

Custodial Role:

“We get a lot of freedom, we can talk to a lot of people, and if you do your work, if you do your job, then you’re fine. And honestly, the one thing that you might not know is that one of our number one jobs is to make guests happy. So if you’re talking to the guests, if you’re interacting with them, if you’re leading them somewhere, if you’re going someplace with them, if you’re just talking to them, asking how their day is going, that’s fine.”

~ JoJo

JoJo says he loves his job so much that he wants to stay on after his DCP is over. He wants to part-time, full-time, or get into entertainment. His advice to people is not to treat it as regular job, but instead to use the time to meet and talk to people, and to find yourself “in a way that you wouldn’t be able to find yourself at home”. Regarding the perks, JoJo says it’s tremendous to be able to go to a Disney World park on one’s day off. He notes that some people only get to come once in their life.

In the last part of the vlog, JoJo gives a lot of thanks to people who support him. He thanks Dad, Mom, Trystan, Uncle Lenny, Jacqueline, Uncle Carl and others. He also thanks the viewers.

JoJo says he tries to respond to every comment people post on his vlogs. He thinks it’s “insane” that viewers are “actually finding me interesting enough to join me on my days off and my days on work and hear me talk about the Disney World and everything.”

At the end, JoJo thanks all the people he has met on the program so far, including people he has met in the parks (even if he has only seen them once) and people who he works with. “If it wasn’t for your kindness, for being on my blog, for saying hi to me when I’m working custodian, I would have not been having such a great time. It’s because of you guys that I want to stay here and keep growing as a person, because honestly, you guys make it.”


by Angela Tortelli



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