JoJo’s World: Cruising with Krista

This vlog is about the Freedom of the Seas cruise that JoJo livestreamed on his first day aboard. In this vlog, JoJo mentions that he previously played mini golf with Krista and told her he’d pay her way on a cruise if she won. She did, and he’s honoring his agreement by surprising her with a weekend Royal Caribbean cruise to the Bahamas.

JoJo makes her put his Santorini jacket over her head while he’s driving to the port so she doesn’t know where they’re going. After several hours, they arrive at the Port of Miami cruise terminal where JoJo finally reveals the surprise to Krista. He also reveals that Jete was supposed to join them but couldn’t get a ticket since the cruise was fully booked.

After checking in, they board the Freedom of the Seas. Stepping into their room, JoJo remarks with excitement, “Right off the bat, I’m really impressed that we were able to just completely get onto the ship, like our room is already ready, we didn’t have to walk around. Usually it takes a little bit longer, around three o’clock, so shout out, Royal.”

Ready to explore, they walk through the ship and head out to the top deck. Stopping for a drink, Krista gets a pineapple passion fruit sangria while JoJo opts for a Corona.


“I guess I never realized how fast cruise ships go, but in reality, they kind of have to go fast, in order to get to their destination within a day.”

~ Krista

JoJo decides to go live on YouTube. His stated reason is that it provides content that day and he won’t be able to upload new content until he gets back. It’s also a source of Super Chats to help pay the bar bill. Considering that JoJo had already posted a vlog earlier in the day, it’s the more likely reason for going live.

During the livestream, JoJo attempted to keep Krista’s presence a secret, saying he was with a mystery guest. However, he accidentally gave it away during the livestream by referring to his guest as “Krista”.

After the livestream, they check out more of the ship and opt to grab pizza from a pizzeria. They eat and then explore some more.

JoJo shows Krista the water slides, the Flow Rider, and the rock climbing wall. However, it’s so hot outside that they decide to go back to their room.

Later, they have dinner at the main dining room. JoJo gets pasta with meat sauce, Krista gets pasta marinara.

After dinner they walk around more of the ship and watch an ice skating show. To wrap up the night, they check out the nightlife and stop in the Irish pub. Krista doesn’t want anything more to drink, but JoJo, of course, is wanting one more. He gets a Guinness. JoJo looks under the influence and tells viewers, “I don’t even think I like Guinness. I just wanted to get it for the the vibes.”

JoJo and Krista have some more fun at the nightclub and at a “street party” on the promenade. Then they call it a day.

[3/5] It’s of interest to see a new person, Krista, join JoJo on a cruise, especially since she’s his girlfriend and since she’s a first-timer. However, it’s a tamer vlog than some of JoJo’s other cruise vlogs and not much happens in it.

by Angela Tortelli


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