JoJo’s World: ChatGPT at Hollywood Studios

JoJo is at Hollywood Studios, where he says he’ll let AI (“automated intelligence, automatic intelligence, one of those”) control his evening. He asks ChatGPT to plan an evening for him at Hollywood Studios and it responds with a seven point itinerary.

Step #1 in the plan is to arrive at the park in the late afternoon or early evening, when there is less of a crowd. JoJo had already arrived at the park in the early evening, after doing whatever he does during the day when he’s not spending the few hours he does making vlogs.

JoJo is joined by his girlfriend Krista. He tells her that he had to revise the ChatGPT prompt to have it exclude shows, because they don’t have time for shows.

Step #2 is to go to Toy Story Land and ride either Slinky Dog Dash or Alien Swirling Saucers. JoJo is amazed that ChatGPT knows the name of specific rides. When he sees the large crowd in Toy Story Land, however, he says that ChatGPT apparently doesn’t know about crowds, seasons, or spring break.

JoJo and Krista decide to go on Alien Swirling Saucers, even though it has a posted 25 minute wait. JoJo says he hates to wait and Krista confirms that.

They board the ride vehicle after waiting more than 25 minutes and Krista puts her feet up. JoJo asks her what she is doing and she replies that putting her feet up gives her less control that way. JoJo tries to do something similar by going limp to let himself be thrown around more. “The funnest way to enjoy this ride is just letting yourself go,” he states.

Step #3 is to go to Galaxy’s Edge and take in the sights and sounds and explore the marketplace. They split the duties and Krista takes in the sights and JoJo listens to the sounds. “I feel not enough people take in the sight and sounds. Is technology telling us to stop and smell the roses?” JoJo wonders. They go to the marketplace and Krista picks a store to peruse. JoJo is intrigued by what he sees. “AI is making me see a whole new angle of Batuu,” he realizes.

Step #4 says if they are feeling adventurous, they should ride on Smugglers Run. JoJo says they’re not feeling adventurous, but rather hungry, so uses that as an excuse not to go on the ride.

Step #5 is to eat at Sci-Fi or ABC Commissary. They cut through the marketplace to leave Galaxy’s Edge to go check out the restaurants and JoJo asks Krista if she knew that the Mandalorian comes out there to roam. She didn’t, showing that she didn’t watch JoJo’s vlog on the the Mandalorian. At the restaurants, they find that Sci-Fi has no availability and ABC is not open.

As an aside, JoJo tells viewers that although AI is becoming more substantial, he thinks it won’t get to Terminator status till after his lifetime (“hopefully”).

Step #6 is to go to Hollywood Boulevard. The app describes the street as having retro inspired storefronts. JoJo thinks that it’s incredible that the app uses such “vivid vocabulary”. He says he never would have used such words.

For dinner, they go to Catalina Eddie’s, where they both get pizzas. “Food was good. We needed it. Energy is coming back into my body,” JoJo reports.

JoJo Crichton consulting ChatGPT to plan his trip to Hollywood Studios
JoJo on step #7

Step #7 is to ride Tower of Terror or Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster, and they choose Tower of Terror. In the queue, JoJo points out a themed trash can. He says that the favorite part of the day for him when he was in custodial and cleaning the attraction, was emptying these cans. That’s because people didn’t recognize they were trash cans and so the cans were empty. That fits well with JoJo’s aversion to working.

After the ride, they go to Oga’s, which was not part of ChatGPT’s itinerary. The vlog ends with JoJo saying he wants to use ChatGPT with all the parks.

Krista and JoJo on Tower of Terror


by Angela Tortelli


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