JoJo’s World: Cast Members Control His Day

The gimmick of this vlog is that JoJo will use cast member suggestions to control what he does that day at Disney’s Animal Kingdom. (A “control my day” vlog.)

The first cast member that JoJo uses is at Wilderness Explorer headquarters at the entrance to Discovery Island. As would be expected, when JoJo asks him to name one thing he should do in the park, the cast member says, “Become a Wilderness Explorer!” JoJo does the ritual and get his Call Badge, his first (and only) WE badge of the day.

The next cast member, a pin trader, advises JoJo to eat at Flame Tree Barbecue. She also gives JoJo a Star Wars pin as a reward for answering a Disney trivia question, one that she greatly helped him with. Grateful for his new badge and pin, JoJo states, “Cast members are amazing. I mean, I’ve always said this: cast members are what make the parks amazing.”

JoJo goes to Flame Tree Barbecue, per the advise, but he has to ask another cast member at the restaurant for direction on what to eat. He’s told to get the best seller, the pulled pork mac and cheese. For what to drink, he asks a second CM at the restaurant and she tells him to get the Tropical Breeze slushie drink.

JoJo gets the pulled pork and the slushie. Somehow he also gets a free cupcake along with it. JoJo attributes the free gift to him being “kind”, which suggests that all the ordinary customers who didn’t get a free expensive cupcake aren’t. About the slushie, JoJo says, “That is sweet and refreshing. I usually don’t go for slushies, it’s just not my type of thing to do, but this is good. The cast members’ recommendations were A-1.”

A bird takes a bite of JoJo’s food, but he doesn’t care. “I was looking at my phone and he snuck in there,” JoJo says. A cast member asks if he would like replacement food because of the bird. JoJo declines and instead asks her what attraction he should ride. She says she’s sending him to Dinosaur in Dinoland. JoJo tells viewers that he was worried she would suggest Flight of Passage. It has a long line and JoJo doesn’t want to wait in it.

While in Dinoland, JoJo talks about how busy the parks are, saying “let me tell you, it’s still very very busy.” It’s very hot outside and JoJo has to wait for a long time in Dinosaur’s outdoor queue. He says, “this is torture. I’m sitting here in my own sweat.”

However, it’s not all bad. After the ride, JoJo gets some annual passholder magnets at Chester and Hester’s. He says it’ss “one of the best gift stores in Disney World.”

Outside the store, a cast member advises JoJo to go to Pandora and get the Night Blossom drink at Pongu Pongu. JoJo says he usually just gets the “green beer” (Hawkes’ Grog Ale), but he follows the directions and gets the Night Blossom. “It’s like a slushy limeade. Again, I don’t really like slushies, but this is hitting the spot,” he says approvingly.

A cast member at Pongu Pongu recommends going to Gorilla Falls Exploration Trail. It’s not clear how someone on the moon Pandora would know about it.

At Gorilla Falls, JoJo does see some gorillas, as well as a hippo and some zebras. He’s entranced watching the gorillas, including a baby riding on the back of another. “Oh my gosh, I could just stay here all day!” he exclaims.

At the end, JoJo gives a shout out to the cast members for their help making the video and says “I’m definitely gonna do this at every other park because I had so much fun with it.” He didn’t mention that it also saved him from having to put any effort into preparing for the video or deciding what actually to do. JoJo’s favorite kind of video.

[3/5]  It’s interesting to hear what cast members suggest to do, even though most of the suggestions are common. “Control my day” vlogs have been largely overdone and now seem like a sign that a vlogger has run out of ideas.

by Angela Tortelli



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