JoJo’s World: Bungalow Blues

JoJo starts off in from of the Polynesian Resort, telling viewers that he’s going to have his dream staycation there. “We’re staying at the Polynesian Bungalows. I’ve been in there once, but I’ve just never stayed there. And on top of it, we’re staying for two whole nights,” he says excitedly.

JoJo’s girlfriend Krista is there with him. They start off by going to Kona Cafe, where JoJo had intended to eat on 626 day. They eat and JoJo gets a beer. He later gets another beer at Tambu lounge and then a Bloody Mary from Oasis pool bar. He’s starting the party early.

After walking around the resort, JoJo and Krista return to the Great Ceremonial House to proceed with the check-in. There they learn that the bungalows have been overbooked. “Basically, Disney overbooked us which means that the Bungalows are full which makes sense because it is a holiday weekend,” JoJo explains disappointedly.

JoJo’s friend Ryan is the one who is managing the booking. While he is on the phone trying to figure out what they are going to do, JoJo, Krista and Farris spend a lot of time sitting in the lobby, waiting. Eventually, Ryan tells them that they will not be staying at the Polynesian and will instead be at “rusty old Contemporary”.

It happens:

“I am not going to lie, everybody. Probably this was the roughest, I guess you can say worst (that sounds dramatic because I love Disney), but this is definitely like my worst experience when it comes to trying to check into a resort here at Disney. I’ve been very fortunate and I understand that, when it comes to checking in and having a good time, so this is my first experience. I’m low-key kind of glad that I’m vlogging it so we can kind of experience this together.”

~ JoJo

JoJo says he is okay to drive due to his “high tolerance”, but because “some of you literally freak out”, JoJo claims that Ryan will drive them to the other resort. When they get to Bay Lake Tower, JoJo records himself in the restroom saying this is the worst experience he’s had in checking in at a Disney resort.

They get to they room, but unfortunately, it’s a small single room that is not going to accommodate all the friends who were expecting to stay at the bungalow. As they wait in the room to see if they’ll be upgraded to a larger accommodation, JoJo says, “I feel like we’re in quarantine again right now, you know. Locked in… with the boys… and her.” Krista is taken aback by how she is addressed.

When darkness falls and the Magic Kingdom fireworks start, the people in the room can only hear them. The view from the room balcony does not allow them to see them. “Yeah, it’s a little rough right now,” JoJo acknowledges.

The next day, July 3rd, JoJo and Krista are at the apartment, where Kyle makes a cameo appearance. JoJo explains they didn’t stay the night at the resort since there was no room for them.

JoJo and Krista go to Disney Springs and eat at Paddlefish. They then try to meet back up with Ryan at Bay Lake Tower, but in another snafu, they get turned away at the gate. They park at the MK parking lot instead and walk to the Polynesian. There they meet up with friends Alexis and Kyla. While walking around the resort, JoJo see the bungalows and laments “That was my dream, that was my goal.”

Shortly before the MK fireworks are to start, JoJo and Krista ride the monorail to the park “to check out the crowds there”. It’s very crowded, so they watch the start of the fireworks inside the park, but leave while it it is still going. They return to the Polynesian and join Alexis and Kyla at Trader Sam’s.

On July 4th, JoJo at his apartment reflects on what has occurred the previous two days. He says, “It definitely was just really rough and just a really frustrating experience to go through and of course we were excited, but we made the best of it and that’s all I can say. I’m very grateful, the fact that I can still have the opportunity to stay in a hotel and be able to pretty easily go from resort to theme park to catch these amazing fireworks. I don’t take that for granted. It definitely still was a bummer. I think that’s fair for anyone to say.”

[3/5]  It’s refreshing to see a situation where it all doesn’t magically work out for JoJo. (The magic often being cast members helping him because of who he is, which didn’t happen this time.) It provides an opportunity to see JoJo handle a little bit of adversity.

by Angela Tortelli


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