JoJo’s World: Building A Lightsaber With Dan

JoJo and Dan are in Hollywood Studios to build a lightsaber at Savi’s Workshop. It’s an activity that JoJo has featured on his channel several times before. He’s says back to do it again because they have a new set of lightsabers to pick from, different from when he first made one.

JoJo mentions that Dan has not been at Studios with him in a long time. Dan makes light of JoJo’s huge increase in subscriber count, saying he hadn’t been there with JoJo “since he’s become, like you know, the biggest Disney [YouTube] Shorts content creator of all time.” He pointedly references JoJo’s schtick with the Sword in the Stone, saying “got to stay tuned, you never know when that sword might come out.”

Dan used the word “tuned” because they’re at the Tune-In Lounge. There, they get a specialty drink, Dad’s Electric Lemonade.

Later, as they walk through Galaxy’s Edge, JoJo talks about building a light saber at Savi’s two years ago. He says he hasn’t done that since then because it requires a reservation and he doesn’t want to plan ahead. He also mentions the cost of building one, calling it “a little pricey.”

There’s another option for building a lightsaber at Hollywood studios that’s a lot cheaper and JoJo and Dan head to Tatooine Traders to do that. JoJo explains to Dan that he still intends to go to Savi’s to build an expensive one, but he’s also going to make a cheap one to give away. He recalls the last time he did it, when he built one with Gabby. He calls that one “bad”, blaming Gabby for it.

JoJo finds that building one is not currently available, so he buys a pre-made one instead. Dan picks out the Obi-Wan model.

JoJo explains the rules of the giveaway, which is the same as before. To win, you have to recognize JoJo and already be subscribed to his YouTube channel.

For themselves, they stop at Baseline Tap House and both get a flight of beer. “Since we couldn’t build the lightsaber, I figured we should build our alcohol,” Dan says.

Afterward, Dan plays with the lightsaber, showing how much he likes it. There are several viewers of JoJo’s World who talk to JoJo, but none are subscribed. Dan is happy, because it means he can keep playing with the lightsaber.

After a ride on Alien Swirling Saucers, it’s time for the Savi’s appointment. They looks at the menu of the new lightsaber hilts to make their selection. It’s revealed later that they initially selected “Peace and Justice”, but after seeing an actual example of one, they switched to “Power and Control”.

Dan does the whole lightsaber build event (picking a red Kyber crystal) with JoJo recording it. After the event is over, Dan says, “This was so much fun I completely forgot, like, last time how much fun this is.”

Staying in Batuu, they show the new lightsaber to Rey. Dan does a disclaimer before showing that it’s a red one. In response, Rey counsels Dan that there’s always time to turn good, using Finn as an example.

Next they go on Smugglers Run as the pilots. They put the ride in Chewbacca Mode, so instead of receiving instructions from Hondo, it’s just Chewbacca howling throughout. It’s a rough ride.

After finding a channel subscriber to give the cheaper lightsaber to, JoJo and Dan go to Oga’s for some late-night drinks. By the time they leave, the park is closed and appears nearly deserted.

by Angela Tortelli



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