JoJo’s World: Breaking Park Rules

JoJo goes to Universal Studios to experience the newest ride, Villain-Con Minion Blast. The ride is not fully operational yet, but Universal is doing guest previews and using that opportunity to learn and improve the ride before its official debut. On the moving walkway at Universal, JoJo jokes that the walkway might be the new ride, since he’d heard it would be using a conveyor belt.

Upon arrival at the Villain-Con Minion Blast ride, JoJo finds that it has a 45-minute wait. He runs into his girlfriend, Krista, who has already experienced the attraction before he got there. She rates it a 7 out of 10.

JoJo joins the queue, which is themed like a comic-con. The queue is filled with things like villain trivia, a Villain-Con schedule, and a tutorial for picking up a blaster. JoJo likes the theming and remarks, “There’s a lot of little Easter eggs and nods for different things in this queue.”

As JoJo moves through the queue, he meets his friend Dev. They briefly discuss the ride (and the heat).

As JoJo moves along through the queue area, he talks about the premise of the ride, which involves causing as much evil destruction as possible to get recruited for the Vicious 6. JoJo notes, “Because technically we’re like fans of villains, right? So this is our chance to become a villain.”

Once on the ride, JoJo and Krista enjoy the experience together. The attraction involves firing at targets in various scenes. JoJo likes that the locations on the screens include CityWalk, Universal Studios, Islands of Adventure, and Volcano Bay. JoJo compares one portion of the ride to Mario Kart and refers to another part as the “party room”.

He asks Krista how she is doing, to which she replies that she thinks she is winning.

The ride ends, and they exit into a gift store. As they discuss the ride, JoJo comments on its replayability due to the high score counter. He and Krista note that the screen was lagging at times and that the gun was on the heavier side. Krista stresses that it’s important to stay on “your dot” on the conveyor belt. She didn’t, and felt like she might break her ankle. JoJo concludes that the ride is better than Shrek, good for the family, and worth a 60-minute wait.

Later, JoJo meets Beetlejuice at the park and they discuss the new ride. Beetlejuice jokes about JoJo being able to lift the blaster and JoJo asks him if he’d have trouble with it. Beetlejuice replies, “I’m the Ghost with the most. I can lift anything.”

JoJo ends the vlog by expressing his desire to return to Universal Studios for more videos. He thanks his viewers for watching and signs off.

Unfortunately for JoJo, there were signs in the ride that explicitly stated that recording was prohibited. JoJo ignored the signs and recorded the ride anyway. When he posted this vlog, there was appropriate criticism online of JoJo yet again breaking park rules. Because of the criticism, and possibly in fear of punishment by Universal, he edited the vlog to remove the scenes inside the ride and only the edited version can now be seen on YouTube.

[3/5]  There’s no good excuse for recording this day in the attraction. There were multiple signs indicating that recording was prohibited. The urge to be one of the first to get a vlog posted about a new attraction doesn’t justify breaking the rules. Editing the vlog to take out the coverage of the gameplay is the right thing to do, but it’s not going to undo the criticism that has been posted online about JoJo.

by Angela Tortelli


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