JoJo’s World: Black Lives Matter

This video is an address to viewers. Here is the text of JoJo’s message in its entirety:

We all have a voice, and for me, no matter how big of a creator I am, or how small of a creator I am, I have a message that I want you and everyone to hear: Black lives matter.

Hi everyone, my name is JoJo, fully known as Jonathan Crichton, and if you don’t know, I also come from a mixed background.

George Floyd was innocently murdered by white cops and since then has created a ton of peaceful and violent protests in America and around the world. I stand with the black community and appreciate everyone who has been using their voice to spread awareness through activism and education.

If you are angry, sad, or don’t know how to feel, that’s totally okay. A man was murdered, an innocent life that didn’t have to go, thanks to the negligence of a person and their race. I will leave links down below in ways you can support this movement.

The message I’m trying to send today is honestly very simple, and it comes from me and my dad’s conversation. Obviously we are both heartbroken by the situation and we have been participating in our own ways to spread awareness, do things to support black lives matter. However, the one thing that hurt my dad as a black American is the violence and the riots. When people are getting hurt because of this, that is going against what we are rioting for, what we are protesting for. Our anger cannot get the best of us. We need to be better than that. We need to show love. Through love, peaceful protest, education, and supporting communities, we will grow from this. This is a huge time in the history of America and the world and this moment needs to be remembered as a time of prosperity, growth and education, not anger or violence and death.

Black lives matter. I stand with the black community. I am black. My family’s black. I have friends who are black. I have friends who are white, but also stand with black people. At the end of the day, I hope that we can see everyone as more than just their skin, but their love, emotions, their truths, what they’ve done in this world, not just judgment by their skin tone. For me to say this in 2020 is insane, but I need to do my part.

Nobody on this Earth should feel like they’re less of a human being because of their skin tone, no matter if you’re black, yellow, blue, green, red, but especially right now if you are black. You can’t be scared. We need to grow from this, through education, love, and prosperity. And that is my message for you guys. There have been many unjust deaths before George Floyd and George Floyd was the tipping point. Let his memory ignite reform in all of our communities so that we can have a future where this doesn’t happen anymore.

Remember guys, every day is a blessed day to be alive and I will see you in the next one.

Thank you so much.

by Angela Tortelli



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