JoJo’s World: Big River Grille Review

At the start of the vlog, JoJo is at the Boardwalk Inn with his friend Kevin Mendez. JoJo explains that he’s doing another restaurant review, this time at Big River Grille & Brewing Works. He lets Kevin know up front that the restaurant is the worst rated restaurant in the Disney Boardwalk area, and Kevin replies, “Why do you keep doing this to me?”

The answer to that question is clear when looking at JoJo’s vlog view counts. After his China trip vlogs concluded, he’s had only three vlogs that have cracked the 20k views mark. Two are his all Disney parks vlog and his all Orlando theme parks vlog. The third is “I Tested a 1-Star Restaurant at Disney World.”  To try to replicate the relative success of that food review vlog, JoJo is going to keep trying to mimic the vlog as closely as possible. He’s going to do reviews of poorly rated restaurants and take along the same friends to help him do it. When JoJo finds something that works, he reuses the gimmick until he beats it to death and/or viewership declines sufficiently for him to try something else.   

JoJo and Kevin go out onto the boardwalk, where they meet up with their friends Matt and Farris. There they briefly watch a balancing and juggling act perform.

JoJo mentions to his friends that this is the third food review they’ve done together. He tells them that he appreciates them being there so much. That is, he appreciates them letting him use them for content that he makes money off of. Presumably instead of giving them a cut of the YouTube ad revenue, he offers to buy them a drink at AbracadaBar. Considering how expensive Disney drinks are, they may be getting the better end of the deal.

After entering the bar and having some initial appreciation of the décor, they order their round of drinks. Kevin gets the first thing on the drink menu, the Hoodunit’s Punch. Matt gets the Pepper’s Ghost, and Farris gets the Seashore Sweet. JoJo gets the Conjurita, which he has vlogged about before. The Conjurita comes with a “trick” in that after the customer invokes the magic, the server pours more drink into the glass and it turns a different shade. Kevin being Kevin thought the trick might involve glitter.

The group spends some time looking at the decorations on the wall that tie to various Disney movies and shows. JoJo shows that he recalls some of what he was told about the decorations when he was there previously. The playing cards on the wall, a king, a 6, a 5, and a 10, attract Kevin’s attention. About them, JoJo says, “Okay, found out that the cards are the last day of the Spectrum [sic] parade at Magic Kingdom.” He got the name of the parade wrong and apparently forgot he was told this fact before. In fact, it was told to him before by the same sever serving the group this time.   

Enjoying their drinks, the group reviews how they taste. Farris gives his drink a 10 out of 10, stressing that’s something coming from him because he drinks a lot. Matt says his drink is awesome, although the spice may give heartburn. Kevin in Kevinesque fashion says “Ooh, that’s really good. Very pineapple-y and coconut-y.” JoJo calls his own drink “solid”.

JoJo gets notice that their table is ready at Big River Grille. He doesn’t mention it until ten minutes afterward, but since JoJo has never cared about being somewhere when is supposed to be, he’s in no hurry to get to the restaurant. Instead, the group leaves the bar and spends time watching more of the live entertainment on the boardwalk.

They check-in and get seated. Right away, Kevin notices an unpleasant odor. “It smells really bad in here,” he remarks. “It smells like the carpet was wet and then never cleaned it.” Matt agrees, saying the place smells rancid.

Farris asks and gets them moved to a different location. Kevin approves of the new seating, saying, “It smells amazing over here.”

To start their meal with an appetizer, they get the jalapeño-spinach cheese dip. Matt notices an issue right away. “I know Tostitos from Publix, and these are Tostitos brand chips,” he declares. He follows that with his assessment that the dip is Tostitos brand queso. Kevin is unfazed, saying, “Might be Tostitos, but it’s really good.”

After trying their drinks and Matt finding his Long Island Tea is bad, JoJo and Kevin go outside to play one of the boardwalk games. They had both lost when they last played a carnival game together, and Kevin is wanting redemption. They play “Lob-a-lobster”. Neither one gets any lobsters into the pot.

The return to dinner and their entrees:

  • JoJo gets the $32 Signature Ribeye. He says it has good flavor and perfect temperature, but not the best ribeye he’s had. The vegetables taste like frozen vegetables from a bag.
  • Kevin get the Classic Mac ‘n Chicken. He says the chicken tastes like frozen chicken from Publix or Target that has been microwaved, the pasta was bland, and the cheese was curdled. Farris said it may be the worst Mac ‘n Cheese he has ever tasted.
  • Matt get the Wagyu Burger, and says it tastes like a burger he could make at home.
  • Farris gets the Bacon Cheddar Burger. He says it’s not great and not terrible. He gives it a 6 out of 10.

For dessert, the group gets the Chocolate Confusion, a chocolate mousse layered between Oreo-brownie cake. Kevin says it tastes freezer burned and like it comes from Carvel.

In the overall assessment of the restaurant, Kevin starts off by saying that since it’s better to say nothing if you can’t say something good, he can’t say much at all then. Farris says he would never come back there. Matt comments that it’s not only the worst restaurant at Disney World, it may be the worst restaurant in the Orlando area. JoJo rates it a 2.3 out of 5.

[5/5]  It’s been reported that Big River Grille and Brewing Works is permanently closing, so Farris couldn’t go back if he wanted to. However, it’s a great vlog for being an honest and critical assessment of the restaurant. It would have been beneficial for future guests considering eating there. As usual, Kevin provides the best color commentary and he and Matt have the best candid assessments, not holding back. Really, JoJo is providing a platform for what could be a worthwhile separate channel owned by the friends doing just their own reviews.

by Angela Tortelli


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