JoJo’s World: Beauty and the Beast Experience

JoJo is with Krista at the “Beauty and the Beast Cocktail Experience” in downtown Orlando. They’re there for a media event. JoJo says he doesn’t know what to expect and so is “low-key scared”, but Krista say, “I’m super freaking excited.” The place’s Instagram bio describes it as “An immersive cocktail experience based on the magical tale. Create cocktails, solve riddles, and enjoy theatre in a new way.”

Inside the place, JoJo thinks it looks pretty. They’re seated at a table with another couple and they each receive a drink. Krista makes fun of the awful wig of their sever, Frédéric, one of the house servants.

JoJo looks a the drink menu, all themed to Beauty and the Beast. At $12 a piece, he says they are fairly priced.

Some kind of weird introductory performance is done by two women, one using a French accent and the other an English one. Then the preparation of drinks begins with an inexplicable ritual requiring guests to present a rose from their table to Camille, the French woman. After guests put the flower in her bosom, in return she fills their glasses with ice. JoJo, who had learned some French in school, tries to communicate with her using some elementary French.

The next step is getting the alcohol base from the English woman. After that, guests are free to add a mixer, and/or syrups, and a spritz from perfume type bottles labeled as “love”, “wealth”, and “fame”. The latter is supposed to give people their “innermost desires”. JoJo is warned that he can’t tell anyone his wishes or they might not come true. Krista, having heard enough, says, “Let’s just do this.”

At the drink station, JoJo speaks to his friends Sam and Amanda. They’re also guests at the media event. Sam says she is going to make a drink for love, so she can get a boyfriend this year. Amanda says she may look for one too. Sam goes crazy with the pump on the love spritz, adding whatever is in it to her drink. “There’s nothing left in there for anyone else,” Amanda warns. “I deserve it,” Sam replies. “I’m leaving the wealth. I don’t need it.”

Amanda does find more love in the bottle and adds some to her drink too. JoJo asks her, “Are you doing love as well?” Amanda tells him, “I don’t want to talk about it.”

JoJo skips love, wealth and fame, and chooses a spritz wish marked as “Cucumber”. “I’m going to wish for a cucumber,” he declares. Make of that what you will.

Amanda Wrate and Samantha Longton at the Beauty and the Beast Cocktail Experience
Amanda and Sam

Krista wonders if love, wealth and fame are the only choices. JoJo asks her what she would wish for. She replies, “Kindness to be spread around the world.” JoJo, since he doesn’t care about anything other than himself, mockingly says, “Ah, wow, so exemplary of you.” He tells her to make of choice of the main three, and she ends up selecting love.

When the drink is made, Krista tries it and it’s apparent that she doesn’t like it. She says, “Don’t let me be a bartender. Not my forte.” JoJo asks Sam what she thinks of her drink, and Sams says she overdid the love. Amanda asks her what love tastes like and Sam says, “Cucumber”. JoJo had apparently already equated the two.

JoJo’s drink is whiskey and cucumber. Before he drinks it, he realizes he hasn’t made a wish yet. He wishes aloud that people will like this vlog. Judging by the low viewer count the evening the vlog was posted, JoJo should have heeded the English woman’s warning and not said the wish aloud.

The Beast enters and glares at everyone as he walks around the room. JoJo jokingly says, “It’s like Halloween Horror Nights.” The Beast explains that if the guests can solve three riddles it can lift the curse on the castle. The guests solve the three riddles and they get a smoking drink with flower petals in it. Drinking it is the final step in lifting the curse. Krista determines that it’s orange soda.

Finally, the Beast leaves and is replaced with the Prince. JoJo accuses Krista of being distracted by the Prince’s looks.

The day his Prince has come:

“You’re so handsome! Look how handsome he is!”

~ JoJo

After the event, JoJo and Krista review the experience in the car. JoJo says he liked it and it was fun. He think if people came as a group to experience it together, that would be “awesome”. Krista thinks it was “chaotic”.

JoJo gives it a 6 out of 10. His biggest criticism is that he thinks the staff should have made the drinks. He explains that everyone who made their own drink felt their drink wasn’t good, suggesting that making a mix drink is just too complicated for amateurs.


by Angela Tortelli


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