JoJo’s World: Bad Date with Kyle

The vlog begins with Kyle Pallo trying, unsuccessfully, to recite JoJo’s usual intro line. Kyle says, “Good morning, good night, hello everybody!” JoJo corrects him, and goes on to tell viewers they are doing a “drinking around the resorts” night. The two are joined by their dates, Krista, and Kyle’s unnamed and unseen mystery girlfriend.

Their first stop is Trader Sam’s Tiki Terrace at the Polynesian. There JoJo’s descends into using the idea of two men on a date as a joke, by stating that he and Kyle are on a date with each other. Kyle laughs out loud at the notion, but plays along.

They leave the Polynesian and head to the next stop, the Grand Floridian. They have to take a detour route to get there since the direct path is currently blocked. Passing the entrance to the wedding pavilion at the Grand Floridian, JoJo makes the point of saying the entrance is now always locked because of Jete’s TikTok.

Inside the Grand Floridian, they go to the Enchanted Rose lounge and sit outside to enjoy drinks and snacks. Within the vlog, whenever JoJo has captured Kyle’s girlfriend on camera, he’s added a Mickey Mouse “No!” overlay to hide her appearance. That’s in keeping with her and Kyle’s desire to keep her identity secret.

At the Enchanted Rose, JoJo continues the “joke” that he and Kyle are on a date. After giving Kyle a drink coaster with the image of a rose on it (“Congratulations, Kyle, you get my rose.”), he asks Kyle what he likes when he’s on a date. Kyle responds by saying, “Usually, I like my date to like me, usually.” This appears to have been an issue for him in the past. JoJo agrees, saying, “Yeah, been there, done that. It doesn’t work out.” Something they have in common then is going on a date with someone who doesn’t even like them. Wow, desperation.

JoJo asks Kyle where they’ll all go next after the Enchanted Rose, and Kyle replies, “Home.” JoJo continues the date pretense, by asking Kyle, “Did you not enjoy our date? Do you really want to just cut this already? I thought we had something, man.”

They ride the monorail to the Contemporary Resort, where Kyle abruptly ditches JoJo and Krista. JoJo says, “Honestly, kind of sad he left.” He overcomes the sadness by going to Trader Sam’s.

The next day, JoJo visits Disney’s Hollywood Studios, where he continues the joke about dating Kyle. He encounters Rey in Galaxy’s Edge, and asks her a question about friendships that don’t work out. He uses the analogy of a friend being on the side of the First Order. Rey reminds JoJo that Finn used to be with the First Order and switched sides. JoJo takes that as a lesson that he might get a better second date with Kyle.

There’s a lot of filler material in the rest of the vlog as JoJo shops in stores and meets other characters. Eventually, he sights Kyle walking down Sunset Boulevard. Kyle had walked by without noticing JoJo. “He literally just walked right by. He didn’t even notice me. He doesn’t even care, and you know what, I’m not gonna say anything,” JoJo states.

JoJo advises viewers to go to Kyle’s channel and comment that Kyle is a trash date. However, JoJo ends by saying that “we’re not actually like having issues or anything like that.” With JoJo sometimes being deceptive, it’s hard to know what’s true and what isn’t.

[2/5]  Making a joke out of the notion of two guys on a date is dumb, even if the intention was just to play on the many times people have asked if JoJo and Kyle were a couple. Considering how many times JoJo has taken every opportunity he can to tell viewers that he’s not gay (showing how much it matters to him that people not think he’s gay), this joke is off-putting. Try to find any other vlogger who has made a statement on his channel that he’s not gay as many times as JoJo has.

by Angela Tortelli


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