JoJo’s World: Avengers Endgame

It’s late night at JoJo’s apartment, and he and his roommate Keith are getting ready to go to a midnight showing of Avengers: Endgame. They go to the cinema at Universal CityWalk. There they meet up with Kyle Pallo, Kyle’s friend Taylor, original Austin and Austin Walker.

Austin Walker mentions he is posting a video tomorrow on his channel. It’s the second part of the Universal all rides challenge that he did with JoJo and Cam. His first part was posted last week.

They wait in the line to go in and JoJo asks Kyle what he thinks will happen in the movie. Kyle replies, “Everyone’s going to die.”

When the door is opened, they sprint to get a seat. Once they find where they want to sit, JoJo explains, “We left Cam, Austin and other Austin” to watch the seats while everyone else goes to the restroom. He doesn’t say which Austin is “other Austin”.

After the movie, everyone agrees that the movie is good. Austin Walker says he cried, and JoJo admits the same in the description he posted for this vlog. JoJo also says he likes the ending and he gives the movie a thumbs up.

The video cuts to the next day and JoJo and Keith are getting ready to go to work. They talk about the movie and Keith says it was “amazing”, but “there are questions that need answered.”

JoJo thanks everyone that had any thing to do with the creation of the Marvel movies. “Thank you for filling my life with all these amazing superheroes and bringing them back to life over these last 8 to 10 years. I really appreciate you guys for that.”

JoJo and Keith discuss the movie


by Angela Tortelli


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