JoJo’s World: Austin Is Chosen

JoJo and fellow vlogger Brianna are taking the monorail to Magic Kingdom. Brianna has been in the vlog before, first appearing when JoJo was an extra in the Indiana Jones show. As they get ready to board, JoJo says someone has suggested that he dance on the monorail. He says he likes the idea, so we may see him do that in a future video.

In the park, they meet up with Cam and Austin Walker. For the group’s first ride, they decide to ride on Space Mountain. On the walk there, JoJo sees someone with a birthday button and he gets everyone around him to sing “Happy Birthday” to her.

JoJo and friends use their Fastpasses to ride the coaster, but it turns out that Cam and Austin told JoJo to look the wrong way when the ride photo was taken. “They tricked me! They told me the camera was on the wrong side!” JoJo exclaims.

In the Space Mountain store, JoJo admires the phone cases they sell there. He says that the Steamboat Willie case is his favorite, although he also likes the case that his sister Trystan gave him.

The next stop is Monsters, Inc. Laugh Floor. Cam and Austin say that every time Austin goes to the show with Cam, Austin gets picked to be on camera. Sure enough, Austin is selected and he plays along with the routine.

After the show, Cam and Austin leave, and JoJo and Brianna go to Adventureland. They make several stops along the way. First is in front of the castle, where JoJo sings Let It Go while Elsa is singing. “I can’t sing, guys,” JoJo truthfully declares. Their second stop is in Liberty Square, where JoJo talks with some of his co-workers. The third stop is talking to some friends who work at Haunted Mansion.

They go to Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, which JoJo calls “Big Thunder Railroad Mountain Mountain Railroad Thunder Thunder Big Big.” JoJo notices that the queue is not long and Brianna suggests it’s because of the weather. Before they board, it does start raining. “It’s pouring outside right now!” JoJo states. JoJo and Brianna agree that they are going to go the ride regardless. However, by the time they’re on the ride, it appears the rain has stopped.

During the ride, JoJo screams out, “Dad! Dad!” and waves to people watching the ride, people he doesn’t know. He says it’s funny and gives a shout out to Kyle Pallo for telling him about doing that. Kyle continue to be a bad influence on JoJo.

The rain starts to pour as JoJo and Brianna walk back to Liberty Square. JoJo shouts, “No! No!” and they get soaked. JoJo says he is about to go to work and the video ends.


by Angela Tortelli



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