JoJo’s World: Animal Kingdom with sWooZie

JoJo Crichton and sWooZie (Adande Thorne) in Disney's Animal Kingdom

It’s late in the afternoon, and JoJo is at Disney’s Animal Kingdom. There he meets up with his friend sWooZie. JoJo has a plan to buy something for the first person who recognizes him and who is also a subscriber to his YouTube channel. sWooZie suggests another game to play as well, in which the two call out when they see anyone wearing Nike shoes and whoever sees the most gets to decide something for both of them to do. They play the Nike game for a little while, but sWooZie is much better at it.

They go to Pandora and Pongu Pongu for sWooZie to get a Night Blossom drink. JoJo suggests and sWooZie agrees to pay for the orders of the people behind them in line. They actually pay for the next three parties behind them. JoJo says, “We love to do that.” sWooZie emphasizes that they usually extend that kind of generosity off camera, and that they may or may not not include it on a vlog. JoJo laughs, because he does giveaways specifically for content, so of course is going to get his money’s worth from any “generosity” and include what they just did on the vlog. sWooZie insists, “Next time we won’t capture it. It will just be for funsies, just doing a nice thing for people.” JoJo grins slyly and says, “Yeah, yeah,” knowing that if he does something that has the appearance of him being nice to someone, it’s going on the vlog.

To further rationalize his behavior, JoJo claims, “I think that’s the reason why we are putting this on the camera, not to get like, you know, praise, but we want you guys to give that same energy to someone else today.” It’s clear that JoJo is set on getting and using a charitable reputation to build his channel, when he revealed his actual motivation in the previous vlog, about wanting to be like Mr. Beast.

A subscriber, Vito, recognizes JoJo, and so JoJo goes into the FoP gift shop to buy him something. Vito’s mom says she will send everyone to JoJo’s channel and then they will subscribe. That of course is the whole point of JoJo’s on-camera giveaways.

JoJo Crichton and sWooZie (Adande Thorne) at Disney's Animal Kingdom
JoJo and sWooZie

sWooZie marvels at the bioluminescence in Pandora after dark and JoJo mentions the idea of bringing a girl there. That causes sWooZie to want to talk about the “layers of dating” in 2023. He says in the past, a boy and a girl could just think each other is cute and decide to date. Now, there are more attributes that must be considered. JoJo adds in self-centered terms, “I think being with someone that makes you happy, that respects you, is key, because beauty fades.” He never talks in terms of sacrifice or making the other person happy. It’s required that the other person always makes JoJo happy.

They leave Pandora and walk through the Africa section of Animal Kingdom. It’s mostly empty and closed up. They take the opportunity to beat on the drums that are used by the entertainment. They continue on to get to Yak & Yeti in Asia, where they go in to eat at the restaurant’s bar. Looking at the menu, sWooZie talks about how food quality at Disney World has gone down since the time he worked there. He hopes that Bob Iger would do something to raise the quality.

They have less than 20 minutes until the park closes, and they head to Expedition Everest to get in line before close. It will be sWooZie’s first time riding it at night. For some reason a cast member gives both JoJo and sWooZie a Mickey key, but provides no explanation of what they are for. They get ready to get on the back row of the ride vehicle, which JoJo declares to be the best. However, sWooZie says he doesn’t like the back, but goes on it anyway.

They head toward the exit, and pass through Dinoland. JoJo shows sWooZie his “favorite Christmas decoration of all time”, the “Santa dinosaur” fossil. sWooZie is very confused by the dinosaur and Dinoland in general, saying he’s never been there before and is unsure of the theming. As they walk further in, sWooZie eventually does recall when he and JoJo played at Fossil Fun Games last June.

The vlog comes to a close and sWooZie brings up the Nike game. He notes that JoJo has lost and wonders what JoJo should be required to do. They agree that viewers should post what to do in the comments and they will cover it a future vlog.

JoJo Crichton and sWooZie (Adande Thorne) at Yak & Yet's in Disney's Animal Kingdom
JoJo and sWooZie at Yak & Yeti’s


by Angela Tortelli



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