JoJo’s World: An Evening with Nick

The vlog starts with another tiresome “I made a really big mistake,” statement from JoJo. This time it’s him arriving at Magic Kingdom three hours early for an after hours event (that he previously vlogged). The real mistake is him saying in multiple vlogs that he’s made a mistake. Just stop. Plus, posting the vlogs out of order isn’t so smart either.

JoJo decides to fill the time by going to the Polynesian Village Resort. He rushes to board the monorail at the MK station, but finds that he had plenty of time before it left. He says (as someone who can live like they are on vacation every day of the year and can go to the parks any time he likes) that you don’t need to rush at Disney World.

At the Polynesian, which JoJo says is one of his favorite resorts (“I love the theming, the food, the smells, the drinks, there’s just so much about this place, the vibes, the atmosphere, it’s amazing.”), he checks out some merchandise and then phones a friend to invite them to join him. JoJo calls without telling viewers who it is. “Who should we bring?” he asks viewers rhetorically. He talks to the person on the phone as if he were calling a girl to ask them out, but, spoiler alert: it’s revealed later in the vlog that it’s just his friend Nick Lamb.

Before the friend arrives, JoJo looks at more merchandise. He says that something he’ll emphasize on his channel this year is being “nice”, which is something he does selectivley on camera to garner views. He suggests people at home do it it too (even though they can’t monetize it like JoJo does). As an act of being “nice” (and a way to make content), he ends up getting his unnamed friend a Minnie ears headband that’s sequined and Ariel themed.

Benefit of being mistake-prone:

“We’re going to go on the monorail and see where the night takes us. I definitely wasn’t expecting this, and I also wasn’t prepared. It’s going to be fun though. These are the kind of vlogs I love, where we have no idea what’s about to happen.”

~ JoJo

Standing outside, watching the MK fireworks, JoJo gets a text that his friend has arrived. He walks back to the lobby and finds his friend Nick, who JoJo takes back outside to continue watching the fireworks. They chat during the show and Nick says his plan is to get JoJo to have a couple drinks and then have him go to the after-hours event late. Inside they discuss living in the Disney bubble, or the “theme park” bubble as Nick prefers to call it. JoJo suggests that may be the theme of this vlog.

JoJo tells Nick that he has bought him a present, but before he gives it to him, he wants Nick to promise that he’ll wear it the whole time they are together that night. Nick agrees and while he stands in front of JoJo with his eyes closed, JoJo puts the ears on him. Nick says it’s “awesome”. JoJo calls it a “congratulations present” (for Nick becoming a character performer, e.g. Prince Eric).

They start on the drinking, first outside at Trader Sam’s. They talk more about the Disney bubble and how it makes itself always present. JoJo also talks about how living or working there changes the experience of going to the parks, where the “magic” becomes something different. He promises to make a vlog in the future exploring the topic.

Nick points to a ukelele player about to play as an example of Disney magic that can still excite people in the bubble. They get a beer for the outside, waiting to go inside to get a hard drink, and listen to the music.

They get the text to go inside to Trader Sam’s and decide to start with a Nautilus, a drink for two. JoJo shows the special effects that occur based on the drinks that are ordered, including the under the sea effect with the delivery of the Nautilus. JoJo has to remind Nick to keep the ears on, but Nick says they are not comfortable even though he loves them. JoJo’s girlfriend Krista texts him about the start of the after hours event and JoJo and Nick’s evening comes to a close.


by Angela Tortelli



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