JoJo’s World: A Pirate’s Adventure

JoJo Crichton doing A Pirate's Adventure at Magic Kingdom in Walt Disney World

It’s another pre-work park visit for JoJo, this time to Magic Kingdom. With him is the bubble wand he purchased at Fantasmic! in a previous video. JoJo gleefully makes use of it as he walks through the park. “It just makes bubbles. How can you not like this thing?” he exclaims.

“Making your own magic” is JoJo’s theme of the day. He says one way to do that is by chatting with strangers. JoJo demonstrates this in front of the train station, engaging with a costumed little princess and a retired cast member. Besides using these strangers for content, JoJo says he is also waiting for his friends. While he waits, he offers to take people’s photos for them.

Eventually, JoJo’s friends Austin and Hayleigh show up. They go to ride the People Mover but the line is too long, so they ride Carousel of Progress instead. Since the park is packed, JoJo starts making a list of things to do when that happens, and riding the Carousel of Progress is tip #1. After the ride, JoJo tells viewers that Hayleigh is confused by the attraction. “It doesn’t make any sense! No one ages!” she exclaims.


“Today in the parks, we’re trying to make our own magic. I believe that even if you’re in the parks, outside the parks, working, not-working, you can always make someone’s day. You can always bring some magic to someone’s life.”

~ JoJo

For tip #2, JoJo says, “Wait for people, wait for characters, wait for shows.” He demonstrates waiting for characters by waiting outside the Main Street Chamber of Commerce for Remy, who JoJo says he’s friends with. When Remy emerges, JoJo tries to make Remy give him a hug, but Remy brushes him off.

Tip #3 is to do A Pirate’s Adventure in Adventureland. JoJo and Austin get a map for the adventure and with their first clue start near Pirates of the Caribbean. They quickly go through the next three tasks and finish the adventure. The two then go back to the start and get another map for a second adventure. They are attempting to get the reward that comes with finishing both adventures. When the second adventure is completed, they return to the start and they each receive a Fastpass reward for Pirates of the Caribbean.

They get in the Fastpass line at Pirates and JoJo amuses himself by blowing bubbles. After the ride, JoJo claims that if the video gets 50 likes, he will give the bubble wand to “the first cute kid who loves playing with bubbles.” He is consistent in favoring people based on their looks. He sets it at 50 because he believes that’s too high to achieve and he doesn’t actually want to give the bubble wand away. Austin leaves to go to work and JoJo walks through the park blowing bubbles. Some guests play with the bubbles and JoJo takes advantage of it for content.

Wrapping up the video, JoJo rides Dumbo for the first time while on his DCP. On the ride, he gives his final tip for packed parks, seemingly having run out of sage advice: “At the end of the day if the parks get busy, just try to find something to do, there’s always something.”

JoJo Crichton and Austin Wheeling doing A Pirate's Adventure in Adventureland
JoJo and Austin in Adventureland

[4/6]  This vlog gets credit for having a purpose and a theme, which have been missing from the last several vlogs on the channel. There’s useful information for doing A Pirate’s Adventure as well as showing what the experience is like. Also, the bubble wand bit is a little amusing.

by Angela Tortelli


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