JoJo’s World: 626 Day 2023

JoJo starts his vlog by saying it’s 626 day (June 26th). He’s celebrating Stitch, because Stitch is known as Experiment 626. He shows that he’s dressed all in blue (because Stitch is blue) and he’s wearing a Stitch bracelet.

JoJo reveals his plans for the day: to try one of the rarest desserts at Magic Kingdom and to share some updates about his housing situation.

JoJo is at the Polynesian Resort, a nod to Stitch’s connection to Hawaii. He reveals that he has a special staycation he’s planning for the end of the month, promising it might be the “coolest vacation” he’s ever done. Every day since JoJo quit his regular job has been like a vacation, but whatever.

He then heads to Magic Kingdom to try to beat the rain, saying, “I just want to make sure to get to Magic Kingdom and see Stitch, because if it rains, he goes inside. He doesn’t like the rain.”

At Magic Kingdom, JoJo tries a rare blueberry lemonade mousse cake from Starlight Cafe. It’s only available that one day. He rates it an 8 out of 10, saying, “I actually like it. It’s really refreshing on a hot summer day like this. One would say it’s the perfect summer snack and it’s not making my teeth blue or purple.”

JoJo goes looking for Stitch, who may be roaming around Tomorrowland. He doesn’t find him right away and so kills time by walking around. JoJo goes by the Tron ride, Storybook Circus, Gaston’s Tavern, Sword in the Stone, and The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh. He explains, “I’m hoping if I give Stitch a couple minutes, hours, he’ll show up. I just can’t stay in one spot for too long. I get antsy.”

JoJo does finally find Stitch. The character is surrounded by people next to his old ride. JoJo maneuvers up to Stitch while he’s walking and shows Stitch the blue bracelet he’s wearing. A woman behind JoJo tries to get him to get out of the way because someone in front of them was trying to get a photo of the woman with Stitch. JoJo has pushed in front of people before and it’s part of his nature to care only about himself.

Rare occurrence of JoJo making a committment that he actually intends to follow through on:

“It’s not 626 day if you don’t see Stitch. I am committed to this.”

~ JoJo

Because of all the time he spent trying to meet Stitch, JoJo misses his lunch reservation at Kona Cafe. He confesses that his credit card should have been charged for missing the reservation, but a cast member helped him evade the charge.

Instead of lunch, JoJo tries another Stitch-themed treat, a cotton candy flavored ice cream with Stitch ears from Pineapple Lanai. He likes it, saying, “Wow, both of these desserts today have been so good.”

While he’s eating his ice cream, JoJo talks about his current roommates moving out. “Dan’s moving out. He wants to find a place closer to his work. Kyle’s, you know, doing his own thing,” JoJo shares.

JoJo is about to say who his new roommates will be, but the video cuts to him back in his apartment, where he does the announcement. He brings Zane Burk and Jete on camera as the new roommates.

Giving an indication of what the apartment is like without Dan and Kyle to clean up, JoJo say, “I’ve been basically telling them to not freak out, and all the dirt that they see right now will go away.” (As long as they are the ones cleaning?)

JoJo ends the vlog by wishing viewers a happy 626 Day and mentions that he’s planning to do a podcast with his new roommates about international Disney theme parks, new roommates, goals, and mindfulness. He says that the podcast will be posted tomorrow, which as we know means it will almost certainly not be posted at that time. However, JoJo pulls the commitment back with a text comment that says it will actually just be “soon”. God forbid that JoJo should actually start to be a responsible human being who does what he says he will do.

[2/5]  There’s some value in a review of the special one-day treats, although it’s limited since the vlog is posted the day after. JoJo pushing himself into Stitch’s path in front of a woman trying to get a picture is a negative. The overall vlog suffers from being another combination of two unrelated topics: 626 Day and JoJo roommate situation. It would be better to focus on Stitch in this vlog and create a separate one for reviewing both his outgoing and incoming roommates.

An interesting story tidbit in this vlog is JoJo saying that when he was a child and his family moved to a new house, he refused to physically leave the old house and a relative had to talk him into letting go.

by Angela Tortelli



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