JoJo Crichton: Dr. Facilier

JoJo Crichton has posted a vlog on his eponymous second channel, bringing the channel back to life. It was predicted that he’d stop using it and then come back to it. The vlog is about the re-theming of Splash Mountain and JoJo’s disappointment in the removal of Dr. Facilier from the ride’s storyline.

JoJo begins by re-introducing his second channel. He explains that it was supposed to “be about me”, but he didn’t know what that would entail. Now he knows, supposedly. That may be his excuse for not posting anything on the channel for so long. He says, “I’m just gonna be talking about what is on my mind for today, and you know things that are important to me, so this is going to be a very opinion-based channel.”

His first opinion topic is the plans for Tiana’s Bayou Adventure, and his opinion is “they really, really messed up with it.” Specifically, JoJo is unhappy with the exclusion of Dr. Facilier.

The man, the myth, the legend:

“Regardless of this ride and this re-theming, Dr. Facilier was always a character that intrigued me. I loved his, like, powers. I love the whole voodoo magic. You know, even the culture based around his, like, super villain arc and everything he does. It always made me want more. I was always, like, what is his backstory? Like, how did he get to where he was?”

~ JoJo

JoJo laments the missed opportunity to incorporate Dr. Facilier’s character into the ride’s climax. He envisions a scenario where riders would ascend the ride, surrounded by the villain’s voodoo magic and eerie masks. It would culminate in a dramatic encounter with Dr. Facilier himself. “All of this can be included… all of these colors and masks just flying around you in the darkness while you’re about to drop,” JoJo mused.

Unfortunately for JoJo, his dreams were dashed when he read that Dr. Facilier would not be included in the re-themed ride. He criticizes Disney’s decision, stating, “Unfortunately, Disney messed up.” Despite his disappointment, JoJo remained hopeful that Disney might still bring back Dr. Facilier in some form, perhaps as a ghost.

The vlog ends on a somewhat hopeful note, with JoJo stating, “Maybe I am just hopping on to this information too early, because at the end of the day, we don’t know what Disney’s gonna do.” Despite his criticism, JoJo seems to hold out hope that Disney might still surprise him.

[4/5]  The vlog succeeds in being what it is purported to be, JoJo musing about a subject that interests him. JoJo talking about his views on something adds some authenticity that is lacking on his main channel. When he gives his views on his main channel, they are usually overshadowed by him acting out his online “JoJo” persona.

by Angela Tortelli



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